Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Reflecting on my Blog Posts so far!

After an email to Alan I have realized that I need to evaluate and reflect on my own work more rather than seeking approval from others. Reflecting on my own work will help improve my own work. Below are some questions that I will try and answer to help me evaluate my own blog posts so far.

What sorts of qualities and characteristics do I observe in my posts?

I have noticed that I tend to express my personal feelings a lot in my blog posts relating points to what I know and have experienced. I seem to write in a descriptive way and go into great detail when needed. I feel that in my Blog on Task 2D I have set out my argument well as I have backed up points I have mentioned.

 I have noticed that I have added pictures or You-Tube clips in most of my Blog posts, which shows that I like to use Visuals to help get my view across. Reflecting on this is interesting, as I didn’t consciously do this, so shows that I use visuals to help me and I didn’t even realize I was doing it. Although I am not a visual learning it does help me in my blog posts.

My Blog on Task 2C ‘Reflective Theory’ is very long and written in an essay style and again I have used diagrams to explain my view and I have linked my findings to my professional practice. I use lots of quotes in this blog posts and I believe I do this as I am used to quoting from when I did my Religious Education and English A levels.

I have also noticed that my posts are quite frequent and mainly when I am writing about a task I have completed.

What are the different ways I observe others structuring and creating their posts?

I have noticed that a lot of people have posted pictures of their learning, for example how they have tried doing graphs for their journal and others have posted pictures of timetables they have created for themselves. I am not comfortable in doing this as I find this a bit personal and the journal is a private way to reflect.

I have noticed that some people are a lot more active with their blogging than others and it is those who are being active who are getting the most feedback from others.

I have also noticed that some have quite short and precise blog posts and others have very long descriptive blog posts. Some people are very good at reflecting on recording this in their blog posts, however I have noticed that some people have completed tasks without showing they have fully reflected. There are some very good blog posts where people have related their opinions and reflections with their professional practice and these are the Blogs that I enjoy to read the most.

Some of the Blog structures are a lot clearer than others, the clearer ones are the people who have got headings for different parts of their blogs and who have set it out in sections so it is clear to read. Some people write in a big clump with no spaces or headings and I find this quite difficult to tackle, as it doesn’t invite me to read it.

 What are the good qualities in my Blog posts?
What could I improve upon?

I could try and link my thoughts and ideas to my personal professional practice more rather than my general knowledge of the industry and people in it. I feel if I try and link things more to my personal involvement it will help me to grow as a professional.

I do feel that I am very good at backing up my ideas and views and I have included many quotes and have done a lot of extra reading especially for my Blog on ‘Reflective Theory’ (Task 2c)

I feel that I could lay out my Blog posts so they are easier to read and not so overwhelming if the post is long.  To make it a bit clearer I could use different colors to help show different sections. 

To what extent are my posts demonstrating effective or meaningful reflection?

I Feel that my Blog post are really helping me to reflect on my professional practice, especially when people comment on my posts it makes me reflect on what I have written in my post and helps to open up my mind to new things.

Completing the Tasks opens up my mind to new ideas and ideas that have always been there yet become more obvious when I reflect on my professional practice. It does amaze me that if I really think about my professional practice there are so many things that relate to me and I know so much more than I thought I did and this is all down to reflecting.

As I write my Blog posts I am reflecting on things I have done in my professional practice for example see my Blog on Task 2C it shows how I have really reflected on my professional practice already.

I am really starting to reflect more on my every day professional practice and put into effect things I have learnt and thought about. I am very exciting to keep reflecting throughout the Degree and for my knowledge of my professional practice and my own thoughts to expand.


  1. Hi Heather,

    This is such a useful blog to read. I am glad I'm not the only one questioning myself and trying to better myself.

    I may complete a blog about how my blogging journey has been so far. If that's okay with you?
    I think it will set my mind at rest. It will almost help me reflect on what I need to work on. Sometimes I find I'm not as honest to myself as I should be, I sometimes tell myself the things I want to hear to avoid worry.

    At the moment I am trying hard at working on my layout and writing of my blogs. You seem to have great opinions on blogs you have read so any feedback on mine would be great.

    Do you ever feel that once you've read someone's blog, that you want to delete yours a start again?

    The question above is what I'm tackling at the moment! I find myself proud of a piece of work I have blogged but then doubt male after reading someone else's blog. I'm slowly beginning to be more independent but coming from an inclusive theatre background it's proving difficult!

    Also in terms of writing I am beginnig to realise I write the way I "talk" which I despise as a reader! So realising this is so frustrating. I am continually attempting to develop this.
    How do you feel about your writing?
    What methods do you follow?

    Thanks for an insightful read!

    Beth x

  2. Typing error male was meant to be "myself"


  3. Hi Beth

    Yes i feel exactly the same way, after u have read someone else blog i think mine isn't good enough and makes me frustrated because i thought it was good then i see someone else's who has gone the extra mile!

    Unlike you i feel that i don't write how i talk. I find it easier to get my points and views across when writing rather than talking. When i try and explain out loud answers to the tasks i end up fumbling over words and getting confused so writing it out for me makes it all a lot clearer!

    You ask what methods i am using, well i am writing my blogs out in a word document first and trying to write when i am fully focused as i get distracted easily so making set times for BAPP work is really useful.

    I'm trying to Blog thinking about other views as well as my own and trying to be honest and write how i truly feel about situations and not what i feel is the 'correct' answer.

    Hope that helps! I will have a look at your Blog now :)

    Heather X
