Sunday, October 27, 2013

Task 2b Reflective Writing

Reflective Writing

From my last blog you can see that I initally had trouble getting started writing a journal for the course, which I felt was unusual for me as I do write my own personal diary now and then. I feel as I had be instructed to write I found myself thinking too much about what I was meant to write and trying to work out if it will be meaningful.

However after reading the Reader 2 I have gained a greater depth of knowledge on reflection and have come to understand that what I write now will becoming relevant and meaningful when I reflect back.

Knowing that my journal is private and is not an assessed piece of work or open to everyone to see has helped me to get involved with the task of writing in different styles.

When I was studying for my Diploma in Musical Theatre we had to do contextual studies which meant we had to write every night about our classes and corrections, this became habit to do this every evening, so I am used to keeping a journal so I found that it wasn’t the writing I found difficult it was finding the motivation to write down things into my journal, I overcame this my allowing myself to write at any time of the day and when ideas and thoughts jump into my head I can just jot them down.

I found that naturally I was writing in a descriptive way and writing my Initial Reflection. I feel that I do this already because the reason I write diaries is to record the day’s events and my feelings, I find it a good way and letting my emotions and feelings out onto the page.

The first different way of writing I tried was the List. This was not very successful for me as I found myself getting more and more confused and writing lots of different lists and everything became out of order and reading back through that entry of my diary I cannot make clear sense of it and I feel that this would affect the accuracy of my reflection. I found it impersonal as I consider writing lists for shopping or ‘to remember’ or ‘to do’ lists.

I then went on to try the Evaluation approach to writing, to an extent I was already doing this naturally in my writing however it did force me to dig deeper into what I had learnt and reflect on the situation in more detail. I liked this and I think I am going to try and evaluate more in my Journal throughout the course.

Moving on to Graphs, Charts and Diagrams, this was not very successful to say the least. I am not a visual learner and spent a lot of time wondering where to get started on this. I started off my doing a graph of my days events and reflecting back on it now it doesn’t really make sense to me and I feel that if I were to look back at it by the end of the course I will have no idea on how to reflect on that days events. Lets just say artistic talents lie in Dancing rather than drawing! I found that my mind did not want to work this way!

What if? This way of writing transported me to an idealistic world, I felt like a daydreamer. However it was very interesting and made good use of my imagination. However writing what could have happened rather than what did didn’t really make much sense to me. Maybe I will try this again later in my journal writing.

Finally writing in ‘Another View’, I found this interesting but like the ‘What if’ I felt that it was using my imagination. It did make me think how people perceive events differently and what impact you have had on that person was quite an interesting point to think on. However for my personal reflection I do not feel that it is the best form of writing for me to continue with.

To conclude I enjoyed trying out all these writing styles and I think I will try some of them again throughout the duration of the course, however I do feel that Description, Initial Reflection and Evaluation are the best writing styles for me. This exercise has really made me reflect on the way in which I learnt and has opened my eyes into different styles. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Hello Everyone

Was wondering how people are getting on with there Journals!?!

 I find it very difficult to find the motivation to write every night, for me i have been trying to write in the evenings, but i think i will try writing mid-day to see if i can keep a more consistent journal.

I am going to try recording my Journal in different styles, as mentioned in the Handbook and i will Blog about the success and the failures soon!

Thanks to everyone who has commented so far i am constantly improving and reflecting on my Profile and Blog layout to make it the best i can!

Heather X

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dancers may find this interesting!


This is being shared around on Facebook at the moment, I'm posting the link below incase anyone hasn't seen it. I find it quite interesting and amusing :)

Heather X

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Hello Everyone

So i have taken my CV off as i had done the first task correctly after all! To clarify it is to re-write your CV to create your 'about me' section then looking at others, correcting and then improving your own.

Heather X

Monday, October 7, 2013


Below is the link to my Flickr Account.

Looking at my photos and other students it shows me how you can really tell a story from pictures that you see, the saying 'a picture speaks a thousands words' comes to mind! 

There is so much use of images and audi-visual in today's social media people no longer get their holiday photos developed and take a photo album round to a friend or family to show their holiday snaps, if you did this they would properly say, 'already seen them on Facebook or Twitter'. Of course this may not be the case for everyone but in my generation this definitely seems to be the case.

I believe that it is a brilliant form of advertising for example people post 'posters' and pictures on Twitter for events and competitions, below is an example of a Tweet i found on Melissa Ziegler-Giso @dancemom1313 Twitter Account:

"More of Maddie in the dance_spiritmag spread!"

Here Melissa, who is a reality star off the hit TV show in America 'Dance Moms' is sharing a photo on Instagram via her Twitter account, advertising her Daughter and also the magazine in which the picture is shown. Melissa seems to use her Twitter a lot for posting pictures, either advertising the next 'Boot Camp' or posting photos of the dance competitions which will be coming up on the show, this enables her to advertise the TV show and her daughters who are two of the dancers in the programme very easily.

Audi-Visual communication is playing a big part in todays social media, people are always sharing there photos of there holidays, favourite outfit, new gadgets etc which often means people are advertising things without realising it, i know if i see a picture of someone wearing a nice dress i will want to find out where it is from! This brings me onto the point which is summed up by a quote by Tim Berners-Lee: "The power of the web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect." 

Photos are so easily shared and can be copied so easily, so i do think you have to be careful with what you choose to upload and share with others as once it is on the Web it is no longer Private.

Finally i feel i should make the obvious point that you should always have permission before sharing photos of children and check about copyright of any professional and non professional pictures that you may wish to display.

Heather X 

My YouTube Clip! Task 1C

Here is the Link to my YouTube Clip.

I really enjoyed making this short clip, i found it hard however to fit everything i wanted to say into 45Seconds!

Have a look and see what you think, I'm looking forward to watching all of yours!

Heather X

Friday, October 4, 2013

Reader 1

“A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others.”

This quote stood out to me as it is very true to our blogs on this course, as a huge part of our course is blogging (which is one of the examples of web 2.0) and to comment on blogs and questions things and find out why etc., which will improve our understanding and reflective practice as well as others.  It highlighted how important it is to get comment and having discussion via the blogs.

 This brings me on to my discussion and thoughts about ‘Reader 1’ after reading I now have a clearer understanding of the phrase Web 2.0. When I first started reader the reader I must admit I was a bit baffled but as I read on I began to make sense and realize the difference between web 1.0 and 2.0
 It highlights that Web 2.0 depends on the participation of Without Web 2.0 blogging; Facebook, twitter and other social networking sights would not exist

Below is a ‘Meme’ map by Tim O’Reily; here he is describing what constitutes a Web 2.0 System.


This Map is really useful to me as I feel like it shows all the key points about Web 2.0. It shows that Web 2.0 is accessible and more and more people are using sights such as Facebook, Google and twitter. For example My Dad has just got Facebook, after years of saying he wouldn’t. My point is that more and more people are feeling like they are missing out on the ‘community’ that develops on these sights. Pictures and information can be shared across the world, this brings me on to reviewing the three particular competencies of Web 2.0 that Tim O’Reiley draws on.

·      Architectures of participation
·      Remixable data and transformations
·      Harnessing collective intelligence

It shows how Web 2.0 is being used today, this is because it is not just a one way community between the creator and reader because on Facebook you have the ability to link people to events and comment on things you have seen, share things with your friends and much more.

I feel that personally I just go along with technology without thinking about how far it has gone, if I think back to when I was 10 we brought one computer for our house and there wasn’t any of these sights such as Facebook and nowadays some 10 year olds have their own computers and own Facebook sights etc. The reason I mention this is because I feel that it is important today and that most business are involved in web 2. 0 because it is such a good way of communicating with the public and helping them to feel involved. For example Skype interviews are using Facebook to post notices, its quick and easy, which is why I believe web 2.0 is so successful.

I do believe that web 2.0 allows you to have the freedom to create how you come across, you choose what you want people to see, you are in control. For example I know some people who will only tweet good things or post on Facebook places where they have been and positive status’ therefore creating this ‘perfect life’ to others. When in fact behind the scenes things are not this way.  

I do believe you do have to be careful when using web 2.0 because it is so accessible people can take advantage of it as Kuehn, 2010,p.86 Quotes, “Teachers are probably the most vulnerable group in danger from violations of boundary crossing between one’s personal and professional lives” this is because when using web 2.0 you have to consider Ethics, as it is used for Remixable data and transformations, for example its so easy to share videos and pictures, you must make sure that you have permission by the people in these before you share them.  Also you have your reputation to think about and your professionalism to think about which links into Blogging, reading the reader made me realize that what we Blog and how we do so is going to be how we come across,

I will take advantage of Web 2.0 and use all it has to offer but at the same time use it wisely!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

1st Campus Session

Hello Everyone

Yesterday i attended the first campus session and was pleased that i attended as hearing what some of the students from module 2 and 3 said about the course really helped me understand where i was heading and inspired me to get studying. They reassured us that if we were feeling totally confused, then we were in the right place as if we knew everything already then what would be the point of the course? In my opinion i picture the course as a big journey where our thoughts and ideas will grow and change along the way.

To those of you who could not attend i would say that if you can get to a campus session it is really worth while as its a good time to ask questions and talk out your thoughts and problems with others and you get to leave the building with a clearer idea of where you are going as well as many more thoughts and ideas buzzing around your head.

The first exercise that we did was a Visual Thinking exercise this is where a word was said and we had to draw what this meant to us, without drawing objects, for example 'Gowth' my picture was simply lines getting bigger and fatter. This is because growth to me is about getting bigger in size 'on wards and up wards'. I found this exercise quite tricky as i found that my mind does not like to work in this way, as i am not an artistic person, my artistic talents lay else where!! Therefore it was an interesting exercise for me and i think it made me feel a bit out of my comfort zone but opened my eyes to a new way of thinking and i am sure this will not be the only time i will feel like this over the course.

The module 1 then went and we discussed Module 1 in a lot of detail and this has inspired me to get cracking so my next blog will be about the Reader 1.
