Monday, October 7, 2013

My YouTube Clip! Task 1C

Here is the Link to my YouTube Clip.

I really enjoyed making this short clip, i found it hard however to fit everything i wanted to say into 45Seconds!

Have a look and see what you think, I'm looking forward to watching all of yours!

Heather X


  1. Hi Heather!

    Watching your Video has made me less scared and given me more confidence to complete task 1c. I think your video is a great example! You are clear on your initial feelings and what you want to gain from completing the BAPP course. You've given me ideas about how to create mine and what to include, I like the use of titles before delivering your thoughts it works really well. I've never liked talking to camera so its my challenge to overcome that.

    I enjoy reading your blog you bring some interesting points up and you help me manage my time efficiently for completing tasks, I feel I need to get reading more and work through Reader 1 and start blogging about it.

    Thanks for your inspiration and help.

  2. Hi Heather!

    Well done. I think this is the most daunting of the tasks!

    It looks like you've used iMovie which is a great idea! I uploaded some work (privately) to YouTube which I'd made with iMovie but didn't even think of doing this task using...I will be now!

    Take care

