Monday, October 7, 2013


Below is the link to my Flickr Account.

Looking at my photos and other students it shows me how you can really tell a story from pictures that you see, the saying 'a picture speaks a thousands words' comes to mind! 

There is so much use of images and audi-visual in today's social media people no longer get their holiday photos developed and take a photo album round to a friend or family to show their holiday snaps, if you did this they would properly say, 'already seen them on Facebook or Twitter'. Of course this may not be the case for everyone but in my generation this definitely seems to be the case.

I believe that it is a brilliant form of advertising for example people post 'posters' and pictures on Twitter for events and competitions, below is an example of a Tweet i found on Melissa Ziegler-Giso @dancemom1313 Twitter Account:

"More of Maddie in the dance_spiritmag spread!"

Here Melissa, who is a reality star off the hit TV show in America 'Dance Moms' is sharing a photo on Instagram via her Twitter account, advertising her Daughter and also the magazine in which the picture is shown. Melissa seems to use her Twitter a lot for posting pictures, either advertising the next 'Boot Camp' or posting photos of the dance competitions which will be coming up on the show, this enables her to advertise the TV show and her daughters who are two of the dancers in the programme very easily.

Audi-Visual communication is playing a big part in todays social media, people are always sharing there photos of there holidays, favourite outfit, new gadgets etc which often means people are advertising things without realising it, i know if i see a picture of someone wearing a nice dress i will want to find out where it is from! This brings me onto the point which is summed up by a quote by Tim Berners-Lee: "The power of the web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect." 

Photos are so easily shared and can be copied so easily, so i do think you have to be careful with what you choose to upload and share with others as once it is on the Web it is no longer Private.

Finally i feel i should make the obvious point that you should always have permission before sharing photos of children and check about copyright of any professional and non professional pictures that you may wish to display.

Heather X 


  1. Hi Heather,

    Lovely pictures and nice to see you performing!

    I liked your blog but perhaps some of the points you made could be in slightly more detail? For example, your point about advertising, that id true but maybe give an example so as your not just brushing on a point and have 'evidence' to back it up? - I don;t mean to sound like an English teacher or be rude or anything I just felt that wanted there to be more if that makes sense?

    Having said that, I'm loving reading all your blogs and thought your YouTube video was really professional and informative. I'm still plucking up the courage to do mine.. I find it so scary!!

    Amy x

  2. Hi Amy

    Thanks for your comment, i looked back at my Blog and agree with you completely, i have now added a link to support my point!

    Have a look and let me know what you think :)

    Heather X
