Thursday, December 5, 2013

Task 3C- Sources of information

Task 3C- Sources of information

It surprised me when looking at this task that I only use two main sources when I search for information about my professional practice. Internet and Friends/companions. Before Internet was so popular I would also look through the weekly paper for jobs and ‘The Stage’ wasn’t online it was delivered through the post. Below is a breakdown of the five main sources I use:


·      The Stage In or out of work I always find myself looking at The Stage website, it has upcoming auditions and job opportunities and well as news about the industry so keeps me in the know!

·      ISTD At the moment I am mainly using this for looking for ISTD Dance Teacher jobs and in the future I will use this to see when there are course days that will benefit my teaching.

·      Facebook a lot of Entertainment companies, dance schools and organizations are using Facebook. Every business these days more often than not has a Facebook sight. I use Facebook to find out about auditions and to see what is going on at local dance schools.

·      You tube I mainly use You-Tube to research Dancers, Shows and performances. There are some extremely inspiring videos that can be found o n You-Tube as you can see the talents of people of all ages from across the world and I find this very exciting.


If you ask people in this industry it is very common for people to say that they got their job because they know someone who was working there. ‘Who you know’ is very important in this industry. Therefore it is important to make connections and keep a good circuit of friends.

I have also found that word of mouth is very useful when finding out about auditions and upcoming opportunities. I have my friends to thank for a lot of ‘Heads up’ about auditions for example. I have found that the more people you are in contact with the more in the know you will be.


  1. Hi Heather!
    I have learnt a few things from this blog. thanks!
    Firstly, I completely agree about keeping connections with friends and people in the industry; it is really is all about 'who you know' at the end of the day.
    I have picked up some sites that may also be useful to me, I don't always check The Stage and ISTD for upcoming jobs so thank you for reminding me of these. Have you got a Twitter account? I have previously found out about castings just by following some artists and casting profiles on there. :) xx

  2. Hi Heather

    I have a friend that worked for Spotlight and she was a fountain of valuable knowledge on auditions and castings while I was working. It's always nice to get on well with the casting agents and directors too as they remember you and will put you forward for jobs. As you said...'who you know'!!

    It's not the information about the audition that's important but the little details these days too. What to wear seems increasingly important. I can always tell what's auditioning just by seeing the auditionees waiting outside! It's the little details that we believe help grab the attention of one of the panel. Is it really though? Or will the talent shine through anyway?


  3. Hi Leon

    Great point about 'what to wear seems to be increasing important' this is very true!

    Also standing in the queues at auditions i always find myself talking to other people auditioning, creating friends/networks finding out all types of information from up coming auditions or news in the industry!

    I think the little things will help but i think its more the question is your talent right for that particular job?

    Heather X

  4. Hey Chiara

    Yes i do have Twitter but i have never got audition information or castings from it, i will look into this!

    Thanks for your help

    Heather X

  5. Hi Heather,

    Good blog. I really enjoyed reading it,

    You seem to do better with the communication with your friends than me, I struggle, however I'm learning. With the auditions, work and this course do you struggle to communicate with your friends on a daily basis? I find the less auditions about the word of mouth communication decreases, do you find this a problem within your networking?

    Just a couple of questions I wondered you could help me with and to see what sources you use to keep in contact.

    Many thanks

    Ashleigh xXx
