Friday, September 27, 2013

Ballet dancers' brains 'adapt to spins' article

Hello Everyone,

Just posting this article thats been in the news today incase anyone missed it and had any thoughts on it?

I personally feel that it is amazing how dancing can make the brain adapt to make the intense training of ballet and pirouettes achievable.

Started to read reader 1 today, think its going to take me a few reads to fully understand it!

Heather x


  1. Hey Heather! This is a really interesting article, its amazing to think ballet dancers train their body's to not get dizzy, and there's a scientific reason why ballet dancers don't get dizzy. It brought me back to my college days and doing ballet classes, pirouettes were never my forte. Now I know why! I must not of spotted good enough or didn't train my inner ear well enough. Look forward to your next blog.

  2. Hi heather, Yes I caught this on news on Radio 4.

    Great to see you Blogging!

  3. Wow have just read the link. It kinda scared me to read what Deborah Bull said about the ballet dancers' brains actually shrinking. Shrinking?? Surely that would mean that they become less intelligent, but of course I remembered that we only use upto about 20% of our brains, so their intelligence should be stable.
    As well as Natalie, it also reminded me of college and how dreadful I was at pirouettes. I always forgot about 'spotting'. To be honest, I am still bad at them. I must remember to spot.
    Thanks for sharing your link.
